Stran 14 od 21

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 13 Nov 2008, 22:07
Napisal/-a uncle_bud
eh pocaki 2 dni pa bos spet lezu na tleh

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 13 Nov 2008, 22:13
Napisal/-a Pixel
Haha, tako hudo pa še ni blo...
Edin zadnjič enkrat sem mel izpade z keksi... adijo pamet

Drugač pa enkrat sem si predstavljal da sem bil bog elektrike. Ahahaha, sred gozda zadet ko merjasec pa si mislu da sem bog elektrike ahahah

Ah ja, zlati časi...

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 14 Nov 2008, 07:42
Napisal/-a JamaicanPearl
js trenutno kadim brainstorma in morm rečt da vem zakaj se mu reče brainstorm.
Fak, ena izmed bolsih travic kar sm jih pokadiu u zadnem cajtu

Kadim pa čist odvisno kolk mam, drugače pa ziher joint do 10 na dan

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2008, 00:30
Napisal/-a lion
skadim od dva do deset na dan ,,odkar sm prvega pihno je ze deset let minlo fak sploh nisn vedo za to stran ,,pac u rovtah smo net dobli mal bl pozno hh zalostno sicr pa jbg heh !lep dokaz da tut brez neta gre je da..ko sm prvo rozco posadil pred osmimi leti ,,sm uso svojo znanje prdobo pri prijatlu ki se niti zdj nima neta njegove rozice pa zgledajo kot da bi jih angeli prinesli iz nebeskega grow rooma heh

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2008, 13:42
Napisal/-a ekolog
Zadnjih nekaj postov je bilo izbrisanih, ker niso govorili v smeri topica "Kolkrat kadite?". Prosim, da se v bodoče bolj držite topica, druge stvari pa debatirate v nizki travi ali problemih človeštva.

V delu izbrisanega threada se je nahajal tudi post, ki ga je napisal deathrow in ga objavljam še enkrat, saj ta forum ne omogoča lepljenja postov nazaj.


deathrow said:
Uf vidim da eni kar veliko kadite, nimam nič proti, veliko bolje, kot pa tisti, ki spijejo vsak dan od 3 litre alkohola naprej.
Jaz kadim travo čisto priložnostno, tu in tam si jo nabavim kakšne 5 g in to nesem med kolege, pa malo tudi sam skadim.
Kadim pa tako na 3 mesece enkrat ali pa sploh nič oziroma kako kaj nanese, čist spontano in tako želim nadaljevati, da me kar ta prvi džojnt poči in to mi je zakon.
Pa tudi služba mi nekak ne dopušča da bi kadil travo, ker delam v elektroindustriji-močnostna elektrotehnika.Tako da....

pa lp

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2008, 19:33
Napisal/-a krastacha20
Jaz bom pa zdaj zmanjšal le na baso pred spanjem. Ker žal tako ne gre več dalje, že tako se počutim kot ena sprana, sčmarjena krpa, brez vsake energije in entuziazma, da ne govorim o tem, da me je začela zdej že neki paranoja grabit. V glavnem, treba bo nehat počasi. Ker šele potem spoznaš, kaj bi lahko bil, če bi ne bil kadil.

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2008, 19:49
Napisal/-a krastacha20
Evo, za vse tiste, ki bi radi nehali ... Naletel sem na en perfekten forum, kjer si ljudje med sabo pomagajo nehati pohati, njuhati, kjer premagujejo psihične motnje ... Zelo zanimivo branje, motivacija in pomoč!

Za začetek pa lista pozitivnih lastnosti, ki so jih spravili na kup ex-smokerji:
1. Clear thinking;
2. Breathe better;
3. Smoother mood transitions;
4. Sharper mental dexterity;
5. More articulate;
6. Better memory;
7. Working through stress more effectively;
8. Increased energy levels;
9. Reduced depression (after the first few weeks off);
10. Deeper interactions with others;
11. No "bottomless pit" munching out;
12. Boosted confidence;
13. No social anxiety;
14. Better focus on task at hand;
15. Enjoying simple pleasures more deeply;
16. Clear lungs;
17. No concern about hiding something from my son;
18. Less stress; increased faith in my ability to control myself;
19. No risk of arrest or legal troubles;
20. Increased joy;
21. Renewed self-respect;
22. More free time;
23. Need to sleep less;
24. More free cash;
25. Confidence to try new things;
26. Increased humility:
27. Asking others for help;
28. Better partnership with my girlfriend;
29. Better ability to learn and remember new songs;
30. Can travel without paranoia of border checks;
31. Safer driving;
32. No hassles of finding good weed;
33. No need to associate with shady dealers;
34. Not supporting organized crime;
35. True bonds with friends rather than co-dependent drug abuse ties;
36. Better fitness level;
37. Reduced consumption of resources (ex. hydro power to grow the weed, chemical sprays and fertilizers, lighters/matches, rolling papers);
38. New doors opening to spirit world (somewhere I only used to get to via cannabis);
39. Increased self-confidence to be "alternative" in ways other than drug use;
40. Confidence to take on any task I set my mind to;
41. Ability to strike up conversation with anyone I choose without fear or insecurity; paranoia;
43 increased motivation for self-improvement;
44. Feeling of wholeness that is not reliant on an external source
45. Not being enslaved by the need for weed,
46. No more feeling guilty
47. The most amazing dreams which I never have when I toke
48. Saving time
49. Communicating more
50. I�ve got another half of me that had been missing
51. I look a lot better rested
52. If I'm in a good mood, there is no predetermined "time limit"
53. Improved sense of smell
54. I have so much more energy than before
55. Deeper philosophical thinking (some of which still makes sense when explained to someone else!)
56. I have way more patience
57. I actually have the brainpower and mental endurance to answer my son�s seemingly endless questions without scorn or irritability.
58. I have the focus to finish one job before starting the next one.
59. Waking up in the morning feeling rested.
60. The return of wit
61. The ability to relate: I actually fully hear what people are saying, so my responses are more appropriate.
62. There is now way less stress in my life
63. I do a better job at work, so I have less to take home with me.
64. All of my relationships seem more vibrant.
65. I seem to have stronger mental control over my own moods and thought processes.
66. If there is a crisis, I have the presence of mind to do what needs to be done.
67. Experiencing natural highs
68. Have money to treat others and myself.
69. The ability to inspire other people.
70. The development of healthy habits.
71. A sharper mental game.
72. Increased muscle tone
73. Heightened sense of humour develops
74. Clearer voice (speaking and singing)
75. I have so much more love in my life now.
76. My son seems so much more responsive to me now
77. I feel like I am establishing new neural networks for coping with emotionally charged situations.
78. I have a renewed sense of life, waking up to greet the morning sun and air.
79. It is only through doing the work of staying balanced (riding both highs and lows) that I am able to offer a hand to others.
80. Life is easier without pot.
81. The return of emotional �seasons�
82. I can leave the house without having to get all my �stuff� ready.
83. Easier to tune an instrument
84. Easier to get out of bed
85. Finding more inspiration in life
86. Developing mature, competent coping mechanisms.
87. Learning to enjoy to the fullest our families, jobs, free time, hobbies, and passions.
88. Feeling in control.
89. I have a stronger sense of optimism about my life than has ever existed previously.
90. I am finally reading all those books that I bought but never read.
91. I'm better at controlling other aspects of my health
: I cook healthier meals; I exercise more.
92. The quality of my work is better.
93. I am more present for my family and friends.
94. I can carry on an intelligent conversation with other people instead of stumbling over my words and feeling like I sound like an idiot.
95. I don't have to stress every day about wanting to stop smoking weed.
96. I don't have to worry about hiding the smell
97. I am not constantly craving something every time I get bored or stressed.
98. My health is better, so I get sick less often.
99. When I get stressed out, I am a lot more likely to actually deal with the thing stressing me out, resulting in a lot less stress overall
100. I think I�m a better, less angry person with the people I love
101. I'm more interesting
102. No more phantom aches in my chest
103. My clarity of thought helps me cope with whatever comes my way without getting swept away by it.
104. Giving myself permission to let go of things that no longer serve me.
105. I can distinguish between what was weed induced (either while high, or grouchy when burnt out) and what is actually my core personality.
106. I have no need to smoke to be happy.
107. I am not constantly checking the time, to see when I can rush home to get high.
108. I'm coping with problems a whole lot better.
109. I can communicate my feelings a lot better.
110. Overcoming addiction was a learning experience and I�m ready to move on to the next chapter in my life.
111. Creating clearer memories than I've had in years.
112. Dramatically improved self-esteem.
113. I am laughing more
114. No panic attacks.
115. I'm talking with people rather than to them, and the people I don't know, I'm not just using a variety of stock responses (like a talking pull string doll).
116. I feel more independent and empowered.
117. My house / clothes / breath, etc. don�t smell like smoke.
118. No stress of feeling paranoid if someone stops by my house unexpectedly
119. No stress of health concerns associated with smoking � asthma, bronchial infections, lung cancer, etc.
120. I once again have faith in myself.
121. No longer frozen in time
122. Getting glimpses of memories that I thought were lost forever.
123. I am gaining the perseverance required to walk this road of self-discovery.
Itd, itd.

Človek se malo zamisli ... Je res treba, da nam ena usrana rastlina obvladuje življenje?? Jaz si bom dokazal, da sem dosti močan, da se losam tega sranja enkrat za vedno, ker me je pripeljalo že tako daleč, da enostavno nisem več vedel, zakaj kurca se sploh zbujam vsako jutro. Vsak dan je bil ena ista norija, eno in isto kurčevo životarjenje pred TV, compom in z jointi. Lahko bi šel na fax, šport, sprehod ... a se mi enostavno ni dalo. Zdej je tega konec!!!!

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2008, 20:02
Napisal/-a Agnes

Evo, za vse tiste, ki bi radi nehali ... Naletel sem na en perfekten forum, kjer si ljudje med sabo pomagajo nehati pohati, njuhati, kjer premagujejo psihične motnje ... Zelo zanimivo branje, motivacija in pomoč!

Za začetek pa lista pozitivnih lastnosti, ki so jih spravili na kup ex-smokerji:
1. Clear thinking;
2. Breathe better;
3. Smoother mood transitions;
4. Sharper mental dexterity;
5. More articulate;
6. Better memory;
7. Working through stress more effectively;
8. Increased energy levels;
9. Reduced depression (after the first few weeks off);
10. Deeper interactions with others;
11. No "bottomless pit" munching out;
12. Boosted confidence;
13. No social anxiety;
14. Better focus on task at hand;
15. Enjoying simple pleasures more deeply;
16. Clear lungs;
17. No concern about hiding something from my son;
18. Less stress; increased faith in my ability to control myself;
19. No risk of arrest or legal troubles;
20. Increased joy;
21. Renewed self-respect;
22. More free time;
23. Need to sleep less;
24. More free cash;
25. Confidence to try new things;
26. Increased humility:
27. Asking others for help;
28. Better partnership with my girlfriend;
29. Better ability to learn and remember new songs;
30. Can travel without paranoia of border checks;
31. Safer driving;
32. No hassles of finding good weed;
33. No need to associate with shady dealers;
34. Not supporting organized crime;
35. True bonds with friends rather than co-dependent drug abuse ties;
36. Better fitness level;
37. Reduced consumption of resources (ex. hydro power to grow the weed, chemical sprays and fertilizers, lighters/matches, rolling papers);
38. New doors opening to spirit world (somewhere I only used to get to via cannabis);
39. Increased self-confidence to be "alternative" in ways other than drug use;
40. Confidence to take on any task I set my mind to;
41. Ability to strike up conversation with anyone I choose without fear or insecurity; paranoia;
43 increased motivation for self-improvement;
44. Feeling of wholeness that is not reliant on an external source
45. Not being enslaved by the need for weed,
46. No more feeling guilty
47. The most amazing dreams which I never have when I toke
48. Saving time
49. Communicating more
50. I�ve got another half of me that had been missing
51. I look a lot better rested
52. If I'm in a good mood, there is no predetermined "time limit"
53. Improved sense of smell
54. I have so much more energy than before
55. Deeper philosophical thinking (some of which still makes sense when explained to someone else!)
56. I have way more patience
57. I actually have the brainpower and mental endurance to answer my son�s seemingly endless questions without scorn or irritability.
58. I have the focus to finish one job before starting the next one.
59. Waking up in the morning feeling rested.
60. The return of wit
61. The ability to relate: I actually fully hear what people are saying, so my responses are more appropriate.
62. There is now way less stress in my life
63. I do a better job at work, so I have less to take home with me.
64. All of my relationships seem more vibrant.
65. I seem to have stronger mental control over my own moods and thought processes.
66. If there is a crisis, I have the presence of mind to do what needs to be done.
67. Experiencing natural highs
68. Have money to treat others and myself.
69. The ability to inspire other people.
70. The development of healthy habits.
71. A sharper mental game.
72. Increased muscle tone
73. Heightened sense of humour develops
74. Clearer voice (speaking and singing)
75. I have so much more love in my life now.
76. My son seems so much more responsive to me now
77. I feel like I am establishing new neural networks for coping with emotionally charged situations.
78. I have a renewed sense of life, waking up to greet the morning sun and air.
79. It is only through doing the work of staying balanced (riding both highs and lows) that I am able to offer a hand to others.
80. Life is easier without pot.
81. The return of emotional �seasons�
82. I can leave the house without having to get all my �stuff� ready.
83. Easier to tune an instrument
84. Easier to get out of bed
85. Finding more inspiration in life
86. Developing mature, competent coping mechanisms.
87. Learning to enjoy to the fullest our families, jobs, free time, hobbies, and passions.
88. Feeling in control.
89. I have a stronger sense of optimism about my life than has ever existed previously.
90. I am finally reading all those books that I bought but never read.
91. I'm better at controlling other aspects of my health
: I cook healthier meals; I exercise more.
92. The quality of my work is better.
93. I am more present for my family and friends.
94. I can carry on an intelligent conversation with other people instead of stumbling over my words and feeling like I sound like an idiot.
95. I don't have to stress every day about wanting to stop smoking weed.
96. I don't have to worry about hiding the smell
97. I am not constantly craving something every time I get bored or stressed.
98. My health is better, so I get sick less often.
99. When I get stressed out, I am a lot more likely to actually deal with the thing stressing me out, resulting in a lot less stress overall
100. I think I�m a better, less angry person with the people I love
101. I'm more interesting
102. No more phantom aches in my chest
103. My clarity of thought helps me cope with whatever comes my way without getting swept away by it.
104. Giving myself permission to let go of things that no longer serve me.
105. I can distinguish between what was weed induced (either while high, or grouchy when burnt out) and what is actually my core personality.
106. I have no need to smoke to be happy.
107. I am not constantly checking the time, to see when I can rush home to get high.
108. I'm coping with problems a whole lot better.
109. I can communicate my feelings a lot better.
110. Overcoming addiction was a learning experience and I�m ready to move on to the next chapter in my life.
111. Creating clearer memories than I've had in years.
112. Dramatically improved self-esteem.
113. I am laughing more
114. No panic attacks.
115. I'm talking with people rather than to them, and the people I don't know, I'm not just using a variety of stock responses (like a talking pull string doll).
116. I feel more independent and empowered.
117. My house / clothes / breath, etc. don�t smell like smoke.
118. No stress of feeling paranoid if someone stops by my house unexpectedly
119. No stress of health concerns associated with smoking � asthma, bronchial infections, lung cancer, etc.
120. I once again have faith in myself.
121. No longer frozen in time
122. Getting glimpses of memories that I thought were lost forever.
123. I am gaining the perseverance required to walk this road of self-discovery.
Itd, itd.

Človek se malo zamisli ... Je res treba, da nam ena usrana rastlina obvladuje življenje?? Jaz si bom dokazal, da sem dosti močan, da se losam tega sranja enkrat za vedno, ker me je pripeljalo že tako daleč, da enostavno nisem več vedel, zakaj kurca se sploh zbujam vsako jutro. Vsak dan je bil ena ista norija, eno in isto kurčevo životarjenje pred TV, compom in z jointi. Lahko bi šel na fax, šport, sprehod ... a se mi enostavno ni dalo. Zdej je tega konec!!!!

ej model falil si forum.

če si tolk weak da te owna ganja ja pol bolš da nehat. ne pa tle neumnosti pisat kako kurčeva rastlino to je, ker to ni res mothefucker

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2008, 20:16
Napisal/-a ZIKI
Samo pod točko 6 se podpišem npr. grem v sobo dam nekaj nekam se obrnem neki drugega premišljujem in več pozabim kam sem kaj dal


Človek se malo zamisli ... Je res treba, da nam ena usrana rastlina obvladuje življenje?? Jaz si bom dokazal, da sem dosti močan, da se losam tega sranja enkrat za vedno, ker me je pripeljalo že tako daleč, da enostavno nisem več vedel, zakaj kurca se sploh zbujam vsako jutro. Vsak dan je bil ena ista norija, eno in isto kurčevo životarjenje pred TV, compom in z jointi. Lahko bi šel na fax, šport, sprehod ... a se mi enostavno ni dalo. Zdej je tega konec!!!!

Kdo ti je brano da nisi šel na fax?Šport?Sam se z športom aktivno ukvarjam in mi ni problem skadit enga pred treningom ali pa pred tekmo pa it igrat.S tem da mi zlo paše kadit kdaj koli in kjer koli ampak če so pač okoliščine takšne da morš "trezen" bit pol ne kadiš.Opazo sem tudi da mam zanimanje za učenje samo takrat ko sem zadet

Re: Kolkrat kadite?

Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2008, 20:22
Napisal/-a mark0 si mislit... tudi folku, ki ne kadi, se takšne dogajajo - neka izguba koncentracije oz. nefokus... gotovo poha pri temu še malo pomaga Ampak uno zgoraj je pa res ful z nizko toleranco spisano... A potem naj neham dihat, ker me vsake tolko dušijo izpušni plini?

Drugače pa kadim še vedno enako... Par smotk dnevno... Že eno dobro dekado...